Saturday, September 26, 2009

Iran and their nukes!

The world turns so rapidly, sometimes. This time, it took G-20 leaders to find out that Iran was hiding their nuclear weapons programme.

President Obama said in a statement, flanked by Gordon Brown and Nicholas Sarkozy, of Britain and France respectively, stating that they have evidence of a site where Iran is hiding their nuclear weapons programme.

This, is after Iranian President, Ahmed-dinijad (sic) went on a tirade about the Holocaust and denying the claims that there ever was a Holocaust. Talk about being made incredible.

I don't think Iran ever wanted to "really" hide their weapons programme.It's just that the major European and American leaders, decided to break the news now.

What will happen? I know what should happen!

It's past sanctions, its to the point where we have to destroy the nuclear arsenal.

I don't think the Iranians know how close they are to being nuked themselves. Obama said as much on the campaign stump.

2010 will be a very eventful year. I can feel it. If Iran does not stop the nuclear programme, they will be attacked.

Take heed!


Dylan Carbonnel said...

The future is bleak. I also see for 2010, a future war involving the US, France and the Uk ( and germany etc..)

But I'm worried about what will happen after destroying the nuclear arsenal. This will be worse than Chernobyl, the radioactive cloud all around the world...

We have to take control of all their nuclear arsenal without attacking those sites.
It will be a traditional war But the U.S., the United Kingdom and France are too busy in Afghanistan, or Iraq. I hope Russia and China will come to our aid...

We dont have to loose time.

Youri_Kemp said...

Hi Dylan,

Are you saying that the USA and parts of Europe are going to war with themselves, or war with Iran?

If it's pressure to deal with Iran then I agree. The Europeans are pushing it, this time. Russia seems to be on board and China, is the odd country out.

We may not need China, but it certainly would be helpful!

Thank you for coming by!


Anonymous said...

China is against everybody ! Worse they will be supporting countries like North Korea and all other Muslim countries!
Iran should be taken under control asap or they will spread their nuclear technology to all the terrorist groups!

Youri_Kemp said...

Hi anon,

I do fear of nuclear weapons getting into the hands of the wrong people. While Iran has the right to nuclear energy, they do not have the right to arm enemies of states against other states.

If they want a war, say they want a war and go to it with Israel or the USA. But, not a war through the backdoor.

I think the majority of the Iranian's don't want a war with anyone. Their president, Ahmedinejad, is pushing the wrong rhetoric.

Heck, even Khatamei walks away from Ahmedinejad when he spouts off too much and too often on anti-western rhetoric.

While I don't agree that we should punish average Iranian's for the rhetoric of one man, but what else are they to do?

